Each Food Manufacturer will need to develop and implement a Food Safety Plan. This plan is to incorporate the Codex Alimentarius HACCP Principles along with Regulatory and Customer requirements in order to be overall effective. The establishment and demonstration of Good Manufacturing Practices by Quality and Processing teams will help provide the Site’s ability to continually improve in the development of applicable controls for safe and quality product manufacturing as new hazards emerge and processes change. A well thought-out Food Safety Plan will identify and examine each possible physical, biological, radiological, and chemical adulteration threat that is likely to occur at each step of the manufacturing process. An analysis of these manufacturing activities isolates and determines the best Preventive Controls needed to ensure that each departmental process is monitored and validated for the safe production of quality human food. This Food Safety Plan will also distinguish relevant courses of action to take in the event that conventional preventive controls fail and that immediate corrective actions or product retrieval methods are immediately executed for the protection of consumers in the marketplace.
Experior Food Safety Solution’s Food Safety Plan TEMPLATE spells out in great detail the food safety and quality considerations of the GFSI standards. These food safety and quality TEMPLATES are designed to assist your processing teams to be simply modified to accurately describe process accuracy for the completion all SOP’s in your manufacture of human foods. (Only certain, “low-risk” processes of food production have been TEMPLATED.)
For more information on pre-written Food Safety Policies, please visit us at foodsafetypolicies.com and request a sample of a Food Safety Management System for you to explore as a solution to your Standard Operating Procedure needs.